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Bespoke Braid Paperbacking Service


Virtually all braids and trims can be paperbacked to create borders

Exciting news! We have expanded our services to bring even more customisation options. Previously limited to paperbacking our plain and semi-plain fabrics, we are thrilled to announce this service now extends to trims as well. 


This enhancement is perfect for adding the final touches to fabric wallcoverings, seamlessly concealing edges and elevating the overall aesthetic with an infusion of colour, pattern, and texture. 

Whether you prefer classic elegance or modern flair, our expanded range of options offers limitless possibilities to unleash creativity and tailor a space to a unique style and taste. 

Paperbacked Apollo Key Velvet Braid

Paperbacked Apollo Key Velvet Braid

Elm Braid

Elm Braid

Panthera Braid

Panthera Braid

Honeysuckle Braid

Honeysuckle Braid

Apiary Trim

Apiary Trim

Scala Braid

Scala Braid

Apollo Key Velvet Braid

Apollo Key Velvet Braid

Tudor Braid

Tudor Braid

Hatchett Braid

Hatchett Braid

Burford Braid

Burford Braid

Ribbon Trim

Ribbon Trim

Cora Braid

Cora Braid

Armilla Braid

Armilla Braid

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